Computer donation atlanta

Computer Donation in Atlanta

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Free Computer Donation in Atlanta – Atlanta is the state of the United States of America and the city of Georgia. Atlanta is the capital and the most popular city in Georgia. Atlanta is known as one of the busiest airports in the World and is famous for its Hip Hop culture. The digital divide exists in Atlanta because, in the whole of Georgia, there are around 1.6 million people who do not have access to high-speed internet services. To provide access to the technology and the internet your computer donation works as a cherry on the cake. To develop the Atlanta urban areas and bridge the digital gap, you should donate computers or other electronic items. Various organizations are involved in the computer donation drive to develop Georgia as a whole including Atlanta. Here, we will discuss why you should donate computers and about the organizations that support computer donation in Atlanta. Similarly, donation drives are run in other states to bridge the digital gap and to provide access to technology, including Computer Donation in Michigan and Colorado

Why should you Donate Computers to the Community?

You should donate your old and used computers to organizations and institutions for community help. Your donation may save our environment and provide technology access to low-income families and underdeveloped communities. The reasons that give weight to your computer donation decision are as follows.

  • Reduce electronic waste: Electronic waste is one of the major concerns on our planet because it contaminates the soil with toxic oxidants like zinc, nickel, barium, and chromium. It eventually affects water reserves which directly impact our kidney and nervous system. The organizations that provide recycling services reduce electronic waste and ensure zero landfills. 
  • Recyclable components of the computer: Most of the components of the used and non-working computers are recycled and can be used to produce other technological products. If these parts are not disposed of properly then it creates environmental pollution. The list of recyclable components includes CDs, DVDs, power cords, cables, circuit boards, and many more. 
  • Provide digital access to low-income families: Computer donations to non-profit organizations directly contribute to the education of low-income families. In today’s era, every sector including education shifted to the online mode which required digital inclusion. To get digitalized, access to computers and the internet is vital for students, job seekers, learners, teachers, etc. Your contribution provides an equitable opportunity to get connected to the technology. 
  • Donations offer tax benefits: Some organizations that accept computer donations provide tax-deductible expenses for businesses. You can deduct the market value of your computer or the electronic equipment from your taxable income which can directly provide you the tax exemption. 
  • Create job opportunities: If you donate your computer to the recycling center as it is not workable then the destruction and extraction of spare parts create various job opportunities in the sector of recycling. The positions in these companies include the sorting, recycling, and repair positions. So, it enhances economic stability. 
  • Provide a reusing opportunity for technology: If you are donating a working computer then you provide access to the technology to families and individuals with low income, non-profit organizations, Community centers, etc. Before donating used computers, don’t forget to wipe off the data.

So, these are the specific reasons that will force you to donate your old computers to the community whether it is for reuse or recycling purposes. 

Organizations that Accept Computer Donations in Atlanta 

The organizations that accept computer donations in Atlanta are mentioned below along with the description. You can check their policies and procedures for donation on their official websites. 

1. New Life Technology Group

New Life Technology Group is a non-profit organization in Atlanta that accepts computer donations and provides tax benefits to donors as the computers are tax deductible. They provide computers to underserved communities to offer technological access. 

2. Compudopt

Compudopt is an organization that provides computer giveaways, free internet, and computer plus internet services to students and individuals who need digital access. They accept computer donations to help children and young adults who are unable to afford computers. This strengthens the computer and technology literacy of the students by providing old computers free of cost. They also provide a pickup facility for the donated computers. 

3. Free IT Athens

Free IT Athens is a nonprofit organization that is in Georgia that works for the development of the whole of Georgia. They provide computer access and education to low-income individuals. They accept computer donations from Atlanta as well and then provide computers to needy individuals after refurbishing them for reuse. They also provide sustainable recycling for electronic items. 

4. TechBridge

TechBridge is an organization that offers various services to nonprofit Institutions and individuals in society including hunger relief, homeless support, social justice, workforce development, technology training, etc. They provide computer access to people which leads to a sustainable career. They work to bring technology solutions to other nonprofits. 

5. Goodwill of the North Georgia

By donating computers to Goodwill of North Georgia, you are making a monetary contribution and helping Goodwill to fulfill their mission of putting people to work. To develop the nation, they provide an abundance of free resources including computer access, career opportunities, job training, and many more. 

6. Beyond Surplus

Beyond Surplus is the recycling center that accepts old computers to recycle them. They work under the zero landfill policy and provide certificates of recycling and data destruction to the donor. You can contact them through their website and fix your pick-up and drop-off time for the donation.

So, these are the organizations that accept computer donations to bridge the digital gap. You can contact the organizations according to the policies that suit you the best.


Computer donations help nonprofits get access to technology and provide digital inclusion in the nation. Organizations like Beyond Surplus, Goodwill, TechBridge, Compudopt, and many more are involved in providing technological services to bridge the digital gap. They accept computer and other electronic items donations from individuals and provide them to the underprivileged areas of Atlanta including training programs, job opportunities, high-speed internet, etc. Every organization has its policies of taking donations as some accept only working computers and some accept both with the motive of refurbishment and recycling. So, before donating analyze all the rules and policies of the supporting organizations. 

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